Majestic Beauty

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2003-12-23, 9:39 p.m.


i'm back from korea! ^.^ i miss the above 0 degree celsius temperature kidding..the whole time we were temperature..all -7/-8 kinda temp..freeze siaz..and i'm the kind that is super scared of was fun..

skiing rox!!! hehe..and it causes my body to radiate more warmer fun! ^^ kinda wished that i could have skied more though..though i heard someone complain that he fell till his butt hurts..*crude siaz* *laughs* can understand that though i didn't suffer..the tour guides who were teaching us how to ski had said that since we were beginners..we should use safe falling as brakes..i fell twice..first when he taught..2nd when i wasn't paying attention..and the rest of the times? use turning..same as how i ice 'kayz..=P

it's an interesting language also..especially what "pretty" is in korean..ask me if you wanna know..=P and there's this lame joke..5 people walking in a straight vertical row..a sign falls on them..only the 1st, 3rd and the 5th got hit..what sign do you think that is..make a guess..then..ask me. =P

there would be more if i'm not feeling so cold from the wind..despite the relatively speaking..much higher temperature..i'm still scared of the cold. =P

shall end here..takkairez! cyaz! byez!


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