Majestic Beauty

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2004-02-13, 11:58 p.m.


feeling much better now..really getting very short-tempered good..wasn't feeling quite happy juz now..then i realized..shakespear in love by layla kaylif sooths me..feeling so much more peaceful longer hating me and the world..=P

nothing much..tests and exams now seems so insignificant..perhaps it's due to the fact that there's so many..and so often..i don't want to harp on the fact that so much has changed all over again..

but now..i can say..i finally see the meaning of how friends become so's juz such a gradual thing..juz..a little less chatting..a little less saying hi..and sooner or later..absolutely no words exchanged..friends do not exist in a circle..coz if they do..the circle has a beginning and end..

all i can say is..time a year's time..we'll be split up..juz hope that all of us gets into the school we want..and can still get together..despite the constraints..tempted to cry..but will not succumb to tears..if..and i really hope is an if..we can't get least..we've had memories..whenever we're bored..alone..think back..and it's there to serve you..friends may leave you..but memories won't..and can't..

what is significant in life now? seemingly's like me having no idea why i'm feeling stressed's fascinating..gotta go!

takkairez! cyaz! sayonara!

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