Majestic Beauty

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me, gd gf? kidding.
2005-06-07, 10:03 p.m.

Okay, that entry sounded plainly like a 17 yr old girl in mental crisis. Maybe it was. A nice cool bath later. I'm feeling way more clear-headed. I still wanna be the me i was 3+ yrs ago, but if that happened, these 3+ yrs i spent living would have been wasted. I am what i've been through, what i've learnt, what i've grown. I do love myself for who i am. =)

Was talking about not getting a boyfriend and what not, and i've decided to dedicate this entry to..Why i won't make a good girlfriend. (Thus for the good of the male population, don't even want me as your girlfriend.)

101 reasons why i won't be a good girlfriend:
-I make a good friend, (i hope), but i make a really bad girlfriend. I ask for too much from my bf.
-When he doesn't respond the way i want him to, or better it, i get angry.
-And if he doesn't respond the way i want him to, or better it after i get angry, boy, will i be pissed.
-I expect tons of diplomacy when dealing with my occasional mood swings and anger, it gets tiring for the guy, trust me.
-Immaturity can be accepted in some areas, but others, like dealing with mood swings, nada.
-I suck plainly at remembering important dates, and i'm truly sorry if that includes my darling's birthday.
-I expect myself to be top priority at most times, i'm not exactly unreasonable, but i must be able to see that i am nearly always top priority.
-I stick by certain principles when choosing boyfriends, the basic: No addiction to cigarettes, drinking, drugs. Simple enough. ^^ If i do find out that my darling does any of these, sayonara. ^^
-I get jealous easily when it concerns him, too easily.
-Don't ever expect me to stick to him like a leech, that's plain disgusting.
-I don't expect him to report his every single doing to me, thus, don't expect me to do that either. Urgh.
-If he angers me, he better apologize immediately, when anger festers in me, i get really unreasonable.
-I can be very much of a flirt. Get on too easily naturally with guys, not my fault! =P

That's it for now. Cheers people. Cyaz.


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