Majestic Beauty

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nostalgia, 7 of us
2005-10-23, 2:50 a.m.

It just rained, so i was feeling kinda happy. I know, it's weird how i'm happy when it rains, but i am. =P Now feeling nostalgic. Over? Nothing in particular, just the past. As cha said, the 7 of us. What's left? Yeah, there are others now, but, it's really sad that we're like all over. In contact, yet ain't really. And i guess, many many many things changed, not for either the good or the bad. Just different. It's true how i wish i had the past in my hands, i only have them in memories now.

Life's so aimless now, there ain't even promos to worry about, there's nothing direct to worry. It's just mids then prelims then As, everything seems so far. Don't start on the, no it's not far, it'll be soon preach. Just with nothing ahead, i don't even have the motivation to chiong maple. XP Maple is lame la, and i've gotten so many people started on it. All of them complained it was lame and 2D and what not. -.- Humans.

I should be sleeping now, but just ain't tired, after reading cha's blog, the nostalgia keeping me awake, wondering if i would give up what i have now to get those times back. I can't decide. So greedy, i want everything. =P Well, one day at a time i guess.

All going for enlistment, all the best, come back safely in a piece, and bring..lotsa ghostieeee stories back. ^^ Takkaire.


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