Majestic Beauty

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short relaxing. and SORRY!! >.<
2006-07-23, 11:36 p.m.

Firstly, sorry ^10! To shiong, for making you wait 2.5 hrs for nothing. >.< Very very sorry! >.<

Secondly, i'm kinda hyper now. ^^ I think i've got a magic mirror! I look so pretty in it. Lol. I think it's the lighting and all. It's a nice confidence boost. Besides, i just sorta found a new hairstyle, that's really very very simple. Just one mini crocodile clip and a rubber band. So fun.

Relaxing in my room, in front of the computer, trying not to fret about how little work i've done again. I think i need to start consulting teachers, and the first would be my math teacher, but i've absolutely no idea as to how to find him. Sadness. BUT, tonight is for relaxing, i don't really know why, just is. I'll spend another hour watching anime. Need to get a nice medievel-setting book. Any good introductions? Dave duncan has been a good simple and interesting read. Gonna look for the rest of his books. Meanwhile, i'm changing nationality. Goodnight, signing off.


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