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thx, sry, tears.
2006-10-12, 7:30 p.m.

Just wanted to pen some things down, just to gather my thoughts, and make me feel better. Note to self, crying should be done in the bathroom, more convenient.

Firstly, i want to say sorry to all the people i've taken for granted in my life. It's probably a really long list, but offhand there's my family members, some of the extended members, there's Jason, there's colz, there's cha and sh, there's shiong and moreeeee. Crap, my mother just caught me crying..zzzz. Anyway, i finally found out how crappy it feels to be taken for granted. The hard way of course. Secondly, i don't understand why people cry so much. But what happens if they stop crying one day altogether. How would they release the emotions they have inside? Tears are but one way of letting those emotions out, keeping them inside is detrimental. Tears loses their value i noticed, it's always more heartwrenching when you see a person cry for the first time. True, they are crybabies around, but if anyone cries, i think they just want to feel better without affecting others. And the only things others can give them is consolation, care, concern and...anything that's nice i guess. The last thing they need is to be shouted at, or just being the target of hostility. People don't cry because they want to (well, maybe sometimes), but because of how they feel inside. I feel better already. Self-therapy works~.

It's always nice to hear thanks, but recently i find thanks getting rarer and rarer, i find myself saying sorry more and more. Is there something horribly wrong with me? Or is there more than one thing? I seem to be treading in a mine-infested land. Maybe i should stop walking and just stand on where that is safe. easier said than done though.

MIA for tonight, finally calmed myself down. =)


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