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ultimate coincidences?
2006-11-25, 1:39 a.m.

A levels are over. How was it? Okay i guess. Bad answer i know, but that's not the focus today.

Firstly, sorry jas, can't make it. >.<

I don't know why i'm always stupidly waiting, i don't even know what i'm waiting for. An apology? A show of seeking forgiveness? Something to placate me? Well, whatever it is, i never got it. And no matter how many times i've waited for it, and how i never get it, i'm still waiting.

I thought about my birthday, it was different. Looks like it's a period of time which i'm meant to take care of people. First my birthday, then now my uncle. He had an operation on the eyes, so now there's cleaning and applying of eyedrops, and he wear sunglasses in the house. -.-

Don't really feel like going for prom anymore. Finding it too troublesome and pointless, kinda just want to sit by the beach and fall asleep. This sounds like a fairytale. Even television series has the balance on the guy's side. He always appears at the right time right place. And the more i say, the more i feel like a 15 yr old full of romantic thoughts. I'm practical, well quite, i hope.

I feel better already. Watching this stupid police and thief show. Like, police act thief catches thief then thief returns for revenge and in the end, both dies. Happy ending huh. Couldn't think of a better way to end the day. **521.


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