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quotes from the linnet bird
2007-04-23, 11:56 p.m.

3rd entry in a row. Well this one is gonna be short. Got this book from the library titled "The Linnet Bird" by Linda Holeman. I have however only read about half the book, to the point where she had escaped her child prostitution forced by her stepfather, and the prostitution she submitted herself to to escape the first to get her own earnings when she was 14. A prostitute's lifespan of 5-6 years. The quotes are nicely phrased, well if you do not understand them, do not bother.

"To me they were all the same: no manner what bearing they affected, each had the identical fascination of ensuring that the worm at the centre of his body grew to a snake, then found a home in which it thrashed and jerked until it died, with a final twitch and dribble."

"And I'd continue to be pimped by him, receiving for those efforts nothing but the spurt of slime deposited in or on me."

So far, these have had left the deepest impression on me. Till the next encrypted description.


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