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One more paper..just one more..
2007-10-31, 11:30 p.m.

Wheee! All that fretting and fussing were for nuffing! Ignoring ALL ratios, should be able to score a 97%. Lol. The last three marks was on some crap theory question that even its text answer didn't satisfy all of us who did that question. And others, till now has had no mistakes. Zomg. Gonna be giving me false sense of security for Marketing Management. He warned us that it is going to be uber difficult to score for that. The last assignment for mm..only scored a 75%. The stress to do better for this paper is higher than all the other papers. Yeah, you understand. Shall try to mug tomorrow. If there were other incentives. =/

There is skating to look forward to on friday! Although, my classmates have officially PSed me! Only ron coming, well, daren..don't know why. Karz is sick, and ronald assured me that should karz comfirm he's not coming, he'll still come! Wheee. Though i'm still pondering over the entry fee for him and all. =/ Oh well, it'll work out somehow. =/

Skate skate skate. Wheeeee!

What else..japanese class! Was fun! Although the repetition of those phrases were beginning to bore me big time. Guess that really keeps those stuff implanted in our heads. I have bigggg problems with hiragana. Can't even fully memories 20/51 letters. Gawd. Someone gimme ting xie! Lol. =/ I suck. =/

Tomorrow..might be studying at home..or going amk library. See how. I'm feeling lazy though. So. =/ Argh, this face is appearing tooo often! Lol. Time to bathe and sleep soon. Am tired..

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