Majestic Beauty

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multitude of colours
2007-11-08, 1:28 a.m.

Here to rant.

Gah..hates insensitivity of people. Oh well, only has one person in mind though. For all i know i could've been dealing this kind of pain to others! Oh dearie me. Better watch my mouth next time. =/ Life's really fair though. In comparison to the insensitive hurtful remarks that i'm sure wasn't meant to hurt, i see the wonderful side of a friend.So..

Well you won't see this. But thank you! For missing 1 and almost missing the second bus because you had to wait for the bus with me. You had a headache no less that was making you "shua shuai"~ =) Thanks! No matter how tough it's gonna get, with my passion and your companionship, we'll get through this together, and get the most out of it. =)

Fell today, during one of those noobie crossover attempts. =/ Ouch. I really should wear my gloves, but i just don't like how it feels. =/ Fingers feel retarded inside gloves. Lol. =P Ah well, nothing serious anyway. Going skating again tomorrow. =|

There're alot more to say actually, but i either am unable to phrase them into words or simply not suitable for saying here. Ah well.

It's the 8th! Yes, it means something that's why it's here. Thanks for the ring baby! ..What to get you. Grrr. =/ Time flies..doesn't it.

A million thoughts run through my head, but they're not made up of words. Just a multitude of colours.

Tomorrow starts early. Night!


P.S. Yes, i know you've flown off and won't see this till you return, but, enjoy korea! It's really fun, and the girls are mostly pretty if i remembered correctly. Oh well, they've got wonderful bbqed meat there, way better than seoul garden. =P Missing you my dear kor! =) Gathering on the 18th!

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