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bitter pills.
2008-01-24, 1:41 a.m.

It has been so long since i wrote, been far too long. Too many things have happened, thankfully nothing misfortunate, well not directly on me. And that one response i got in respond to derrick's "i am but an innocent bystander in this realm of chaos", of "you suffer collateral damage" is unknowingly fitting. In all of my indifference to people's emotions, i am getting ridiculously worked up over people's emotions. (Just let me rant kay)

Many things in my life are linking together in a way i never thought possible. Yes i can be rather rational when it comes to human relationships, but i never realized, this rational. Almost a cold calculated outlook of it, as if if i could put it into an annual report i would. My lecturers were not kidding when they said how learning about business management in the various modules would impact our lives, and not just in the business sector. I can calmly chart a tree diagram of routes and options to take, calculate (as accurately as i could in such intangible matters) opportunity costs and see the right choice so clearly that it is unsettling. Whether of me being so clear-headed or this familiar sensation of being unable to comprehend when others do not see that course in the same light. Should one's choice be of a different route in the light of knowing the "right" course to take, that is of course, of another matter. In this area, i think i have expounded on all that i would want to in a night, the rest, are just simple foods for thoughts.

When to deliver the bitter pill, and how best to do it. I can be so direct, feathers unruffled when i throw truths in acquaintance's face, yet hesitating how direct should i be to some, when even though i think that is just what they need. There is probably no one best way to deliver this miraculous medicine. Even the wise ones would not wish to take a bitter pill, much as they understand the benefits of it. How then, does one suade another into the consumption of that?

After washing up, all thoughts evaporated. Too tired. It was 6 hours of Business Economics today, pretty draining. Then the japanese class was very draining. Been rather brain dead since my night class. >.< Amazing how i am actually capable of piecing a sentence together. There are still probably plenty to write, but those shall be left till the next time. Meanwhile, i give thanks to all that i have, especially as always, the people i have around me. I must have done some really good stuff last life to have you all. Thanks a million. To those who may or may not see this, who are feeling down for one reason or another or many many reasons. Everything will work out, your lowest day can only go so low, and in accordance to every other law i know, what goes down must come up. So have a bighter outlook, things will get better, and you know you can always take comfort in that.

Oyasumi nasai anata-gata. anata-gata wa daisuki desu.


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