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woe betide me? lol.
2008-02-12, 1:20 p.m.

Yesterday's paper...was good and bad. Managed to complete 2 questions with full confidence, 1 was alright, and the last was...gged.

Next paper is HRM tomorrow, the HRM text is the thinnest of the lot, yet the teacher never told us that it was not enough (or i simply missed that declaration), but i concluded, for my own benefit, i'd better go mug at the library after tuition later. Which means, no dinner for me again. Lol. Which would contribute to my other agenda, dieting. =P

Okay, i'm just really bored and a 'lil sleepy. Tuition at 3, which means i need to leave at 2..ish. We will see. Sigh. For a multitude of reasons. Hope your days pass better than mine.


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