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till ripe old age..
2008-09-03, 5:41 p.m.

It'll just be random bits. For one, cha's design was woahhh. I liked the flowery stuff, well yeah, the gears made more sense considering the theme.

For once, i finished my jap homework! Happy happy. =]

Well, was thinking about death. We youngsters (yeah, relatively speaking) live each day thinking, we can do this tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or whatever, there's plenty of time left! We'll live till a ripe old age. For the first time in my life, what i contemplate isn't what happens if we die tomorrow, because of a freak accident, but what happens, when you've lived to the ripe old age? Imagine you're now at 90, truly riped, living everyday knowing you may never wake up again, you may never see your friends who are still alive, your relatives, your kids, grandchildren, well all presuming you have them. Quite depressing right, yet at the same time, you celebrate each day of seeing them, of talking to them, of listening to them speak, of simply having the chance to interact with them. I still think it's pretty depressing.

There's quite a bit more on my mind, but i've no wish as yet to pen them here. I missed those times we crack and mimic peanut, jose, walter(!!) ahaha, yes i was rewatching jeff dunham, some of his jokes still do not fail to crack me up. My ultimate favourite still doesn't change, walter and his wonderful sex life with his wife. Lol. I want moolahhhssss. Oh i decided, since i've had my 5 days of rest ever since my one week break started, it's time i start working on my studies. Revision time! Starts tomorrow, and no i'm not procrastinating. =D

Change occurs imperceptibly, before you know it, you're missing something, in more than one way. Change, is the only constant in life. Cheerios.


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