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Don't create more trouble than you can handle.
2011-06-20, 9:50 a.m.

皆さん! お久しぶり! 最近、私は仕事中に忙しいって。ジグサウパズルをしている。美しいの物だ。其れより、いろいろと考えた、例えば、自分の家が欲しい、家族に直したい、皆の人生は好いになりたい。其れで。。。

In my occasional spurts of feeling noble and caring for the world. I wish people were more responsible. It's tough doing things in this era, I know. What with the competitiveness and high standards of living. But there really is a limit to leeching off your parents. And making so much noise when they just want you to be independent. I crave independence although I know financially I'm still incapable of it, but I'm working towards it. It's really annoying when people make mistakes, becomes awfully proud of their mistakes and then shift the bulk of their burden from the mistake to others.

Okay ranting completed. Since I'm typing this at work on my phone, I'm stopping here. I know I haven't written anything in a long time, and it's really been rather happening. I count my blessings everyday. But I really do need a break. Should I go japan? Or a new country like hk, tw. Or something. I need to chillax since the market is incorrigible and awfully boring and for once I don't feel excited about work on a monday. :(


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