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Dreaming of being back in school.. But at current age lol
2014-08-24, 9:09 a.m.

Just had a very interesting dream.. Dreamt that I was in a place that is probably a school, yet the place was too nice to just be a school lol. Dreamt that I was with gs, I had a time turner. Keefe was also in the dream, there was a judo competition and he was running some admin stuff inside. The sn twins was inside too, Andrea and daphne. So was huiying. Rather odd considering we were nv close, like why them? Lol.

It was a pretty nice dream I guess, compared to the one two days ago that ended as a nightmare. Woke up from that one outta breath and shaking a little. At the end of that dream, I was trying to get my grandma and I away from this creepy guy. Lol.. One of those nightmares that I can't seem to forget.

I can't believe I'm ranting here this early in the morning. Really very odd. Oh well. :) hope all's going good!



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