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don't worry about me
2005-05-15, 9:06 p.m.

Okay..didn't make it to sc sa. Abit disappointing, but not that big a blow, I semi believe in fate. Why semi, because i just ain't one to say that everything is controlled by fate. I believe things have been predestined, but i also believe that the predestined can be changed if one makes the effort. There's many things that i'm doing now, that wasn't planned by me in the past. Running for council, joinin bowling, taking 3 subjects. I always thought i'll take Economics, until i took it in the first 3 months, and seriously hated it. It was really for those who have the passion to do so much research on their own. Not me. My dad maybe. So after all that crapping, one thing i wanna say, don't worry if you are about my mental state currently. I'm fine. =)

Enough about mildly depressing topic. Let's talk about something happier. Like..I've got alotta comics!! Oh man. I'm a happy girl. ^^ I've the entire series of Black Cat. WOOT. Now looking for "power" also. So many books i wanna read! After this competition times, which ends on latest Friday, i've gotta start doing my work. Might need to request help from classmates. Ah, whatever works.

That's enough crap for now..goodnight people. All the best to the competitors tomorrow, congratulations for those on making it to sc. ^^ Odaijini. Sayonara.


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