Majestic Beauty

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supposed to be dedicated to..
2007-03-08, 3:30 p.m.

To the clubbing entry, it's the previous one.

I can't login to blogger through the new google thing, think it is way too secure. Speaking of google, the 3 CEOS have settled for US$1 salary yet again. They are just too rich, two of them have 14mil worth of assets, while the 3rd have 5mil. The 4 executives got a payrise of US$205,000 i think. So currently they are drawing a salary of US$400,000++. Enough of google and blogspot.

It's been 3 yrs? 4 yrs? I'm not one for dates and anniversaries, it's impressive that i even remember birthdays. I'm not that normal a girl huh. There were rocky paths and smooth roads, have been through all, but i still see rocky paths ahead, they block the smooth roads from view. I guess, just gotta know and believe that after the difficult times, things will get better. 1 month is not that long, nor that short, though i know, it'll be over before long. can get through this. Definitely.

SMU open house this saturday! Not sure if i am going in to m'sia on sunday or monday, my mum's rushing me to go in and get my license. Abit scared sia, i mean, i've driven, but there is alot more to what i did. I guess, i'll just somehow get through it, like everything else. When my birthday arrives this year, i'll do this very long post (or not), recounting major events that can be said, after all, it would be my last year being a teenager, same for alot of youS out there huh.

Anyway, there's alot of stuff i wanna say here but i can't. So. **521!


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