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confused old me.
2007-12-29, 4:15 p.m.

Hello! Bbq was alright. Think i have to stay on a vegetarian diet for the next week, considering the amount of malice we threw at G in the name of fun. Oh well, he went overboard (as usual) and irritated the hell out of us. Even he was arrowing him, and yesterday was the first time they met. For once, i did not poison the minds of those who were going to meet G. Glad he left early. Me needs to learn how to appreciate wine, and champagne. Lol. =P

The other thing is..i'm thrown back into the circle of confusion. My mood swung with small happenings. Confused over different actions i've seen. I don't know what i want, or how to act, or want to be.

While thinking all that, i had a sudden craving for green tea, or a sudden repeat craving for it. Osmanthus only, kthxbai. =P Ohhh, and there was this two irony. It's the second time i went to eat bcm there, and only this time i felt that it was really good. The reason being his order was misheard and i actually ate tomato sauce based bcm, and i found it good! Hence the conclusion. Couldn't finish it because i was too bloated from drinking all the water like a dehydrated fish. Oh well. Then came the green tea craving which i had to settle because only 7-11s seem to carry the ones i want. Okay i'm getting tired.

Lack of sleep and all that playing around is catching up. Stupid racist indian jokes. <3s violet crumbles. Transformer? Ohhhh! I've a pay increase of 10 bucks to 230 for 8 sessions for one of my tutees. <3 I've also received payment for the past 5 sessions, i.e. me has money to buy SHEER. <33! I am however awaiting donations. =P Next year is coming, my saving money plan is starting. >.< <3 you people. Time to go off. Ish teh tired. >.<


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