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mummy mummy mummy...
2007-12-13, 7:19 p.m.

My mother just declared to semi-disown me. Basically.."i will not care what time you return home. I will not call to ask where are you and when you'll come home. I will not wait up for you. I've only 20 more years to live if i'm lucky, it shouldn't be wasted on you. Should you get AIDS or pregnant by persistently going to those kind of places, you have no one to blame." Well, like i'll blame anyone, and like i'll allow that to happen. She has no idea how much it hurts to hear those from her. I know she loves me, but she should know that i love myself too, and after knowing me for 19 years, doesn't she know me better than that? She's paranoid as all mothers are, but it still stings.

She apparently wanted some form of response from me, yet all i gave in return were nods. That probably irritated her more, but there was no other way i could think of in response. Besides the practical benefits that i'll lose, the thought of what our relationship will become like hurts me.

This is such a low in my life that everything can only get better. Suddenly life likes to throw problems that i have no solutions to at me. Feeling all crappy and unable to think straight. Wants to get my mood up, but there're just no longer any reasons to do that. Do i want to talk about it? Don't think so. I would if you asked, but i won't go around complaining. Looks like "opening up myself" is something of a near impossible. =)


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